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Sunrise over Satan's Ridgeline, Snowmass Mountain and the Elk Range as seen from the summit of Capitol Peak. This image has been on my list for a long time, and it felt spectacular to finally accomplish it! Since the beginning of starting my project of sunrise form the summit of all of Colorado's 14ers I knew Capitol would present a challenge. The route is long, technical and demanding. Climbing the infmaous knife edge in the middle of the night with extrodinary exposure on both sides was nerve racking, and the route finding thereafter no easy feat. The original plan was to summit before sunset and bivy on top for the night, but a late start changed out plan to bivy on the summit of K2 instead, then start climbing at 4 a.m. Cresting the summit before sunrise was a incredible feeling, and one I won't soon forget!


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Capitol Peak Summit Sunrise

  • Glossy Metal Print: 3-4 Weeks

    Wood Mounted Fine Art Print: 4-6 Weeks

    Acrylic Mounted Fine Art Print: 3-4 Weeks

    Fine Art Print: 1-2 Weeks